Frequently Asked Questions
» Why is this course so Successful?
» At what age do your start teaching a child?
» What is Survival Swimming?
» Why Kinder Swim, Inc.?
» What Can Infants and Children Learn?
» How Are Lessons Conducted?
» Will Children Retain Their Skills? |
Why is this course so Successful?
Our program is based on patience and persistence. We build a child’s skills gradually through our age appropriate lessons so that your child becomes comfortable in the water.
At what age do your start teaching a child?
We begin instruction at six months. As soon as your child can crawl, he/she NEEDS TO LEARN TO SWIM. Statistics reveal that the younger the child is, the more chances they have of drowning.
What is Survival Swimming?
Kinder Swim, Inc. teaches children 6 months to 6 years survival swimming skills. One such skill is the back float. Infants and toddlers cannot raise their heads to take a breath, so they are taught to roll completely over onto their backs to float, relax and breathe.
Babies are quite buoyant and can remain in this position for a very long time, even while fully clothed.
Survival swimming instruction for the infant and young child is a health care approach to the prevention of pediatric drowning, while learning the mechanics of swimming strokes is a recreational activity. For the safety of their children, parents need to understand the importance of learning survival skills first.
Survival swimming instruction is the foundation for recreational stroke development
Why Kinder Swim, Inc.?
According to Contemporary Pediatrics (July, 1999), in eighteen states, drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in children one to four years of age. Two year old boys account for the greatest number of fatalities because of rapidly developing motor skills and extreme curiosity about water. Children are naturally drawn to pools, hot tubs, lakes, canals, streams, reservoirs and beaches. Despite a parent's best efforts at supervision, it only takes one head turn before an accident has occurred.
Infants and toddlers learn to swim quickly because of their motor development and usually have no fear of the water. Older children often develop fears as a result of an emerging imagination and a recognition of the water's depth.
Here are some other reasons why you might consider getting an early start on survival and swimming skills for your child with Kinder Swim, Inc.
- If you want your child to learn to swim and float in weeks, not years;
- If you or your extended family live or vacation around backyard pools or natural bodies of water;
- If you enjoy swimming and want your child to enjoy it as well;
- If you never learned to swim and want something better for your child;
- If you are ready to make a commitment to your child's aquatic future, his health and well-being;
The lessons offered by Kinder Swim, Inc. will increase your child's self esteem and empower him with an incredible sense of accomplishment.
What Can Infants and Children Learn?
Infants six to twelve months can learn to roll over from a face down position in the water onto their backs to relax and breathe. Particularly active infants may also learn to propel a short distance through the water between two parents. Learning these skills takes approximately 12 to 20 lessons.
Older infants and young children (12 months - 6 years) are able to learn a more advanced swim float swim sequence.
The child in this age group learns to open his eyes, hold his breath, and grasp the pool edge. He also learns to turn back toward the edge, which is particularly useful in the case of an accidental fall into the water.
Older infants and toddlers can also learn to paddle to the steps, side or a platform.
When the child feels the need to breathe, he will roll onto his back. After a short rest period, the child will then flip onto his tummy and continue to swim while looking for the pool edge or other landing area.
Children take approximately 12 to 32 lessons to acquire and consistently demonstrate these skills. Some children can actually learn to swim within a few lessons; however, we recommend that no child discontinue lessons until all skills have been sufficiently practiced, in order to insure maximum safety and the highest rate of retention.
Children who have learned from the beginning to do the swim float swim sequence progress naturally into freestyle swimming with rhythmic breathing. This transition occurs between the age of four and six and is an important element of the learn to swim process.
How Are Lessons Conducted?
Lessons are usually one-on-one, four times per week. Our lessons are short and tailored for the learning style of a very young child.
Consistency in attendance is the key to success. Toddlers do best with short lessons multiple times per week, rather than one long lesson. Our program is flexible because children learn differently.
Be assured, we do not throw children into the water. We use a variety of methods, combining the best ideas from swim schools and infant/toddler programs throughout the world.
Many programs offer private instruction, but children who come through our program learn to swim within 3 to 8 weeks, depending upon the age and physical adeptness of each child.
Lessons generally begin with the parent and/or care giver handing the child to the instructor in the pool.
We use the parent in the water on an "as needed" basis.
Then, as the child becomes familiar with the process, we will concentrate more on skills. After the skills are learned, you will again be encouraged to join in the lesson so that we can offer suggestions and help you feel comfortable swimming with your child.
We believe that your own education about water safety is as important as your child's skills. Did you know that not all life jackets float children face up? Flotation devices such as arm bands are not used in lessons because they actually hamper a child's ability to learn to swim properly and become a crutch. Children who use "floaties" truly think that they can swim and often are the victims of aquatic accidents when they enter the water without these devices.
We do several check out lessons in clothing to see if your child could perform his skills equally well if he fell in the water fully clothed.
Although each child is taught individually, families with more than one child will have the opportunity to learn how to safely enjoy being in the water together.
Please remember that all children should be supervised at all times while in and around the water regardless of the swimming skills they have learned.
No matter how well skilled, no one (adult or child) is ever drown-proof.
Will Children Retain Their Skills?
Experience indicates that there is an extremely high retention rate one year after completing the lessons.
However, it is strongly recommended that students return for a week or two of update lessons every six months or so due to the vast changes in bodily growth and emotional development that they undergo at this age.
Many of us teach our experienced students to snorkel. Snorkeling is a great activity for the skilled swimmer because it promotes proper head and body position and allows the child the opportunity to truly relax and focus on swimming technique.
Having a young snorkeler in the family makes vacations near the beach more exciting and enables the entire family to be aquatically involved together.
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